Concertina Music has compiled a list of Concertina People; individuals who have made a contribution to the chemnitzer concertina through their efforts as bandleaders, composers, innovators, manufacturers, musicians, promoters, retailers, teachers, and technicians. Each person is listed by name with basic information about them and their contribution to the concertina.
You can browse the list of Concertina People by selecting one of the individual letters from the menu. Each page includes a list of last names that begin with only that letter. The Search feature may be helpful for finding specific people.
Raclawski, Richard
- Oak Creek, Wisconsin
- Manufacturer (Eagle Concertina), Musician
- Bands: Rich Raclawski and the All-Star Honky Band
- Honors: World Concertina Congress Hall of Fame (2017)
Radonski, Edward (Donnie, Ed) (1932 – 2008)
- Greenfield, Wisconsin
- Bandleader, Musician, Teacher
- Honors: World Concertina Congress Hall of Fame (1989)
- Detailed Biography
Rafalski, Leonard
- New Berlin, Wisconsin
- Musician
- Honors: World Concertina Congress Hall of Fame (2005)
(1921 – 2021)
Regner, Al (1919 – 1999)
- Chicago, Illinois
- Bandleader, Composer, Musician, Promoter, Teacher
- Honors: World Concertina Congress Hall of Fame (2000)
- Detailed Biography
Reuter, Leroy F. (1931 – 2010)
- Woodstock, Illinois
- Musician
- Honors: World Concertina Congress Hall of Fame (1999)
- Detailed Biography
Rezac, Roman (1917 – 2010)
- Longsdale, Minnesota
- Bandleader, Musician
- Bands: Roman Rezac Orchestra
- Honors: World Concertina Congress Hall of Fame (2005)
Rickert, Edward (Concertina Eddie) (1918 – 2000)
- Chicago, Illinois
- Musician
- Honors: World Concertina Congress Hall of Fame (1988)
- Detailed Biography
Rippley, LaVern (1935 – 2022)
- Northfield, Minnesota
- Promoter (Author – The Chemnitzer Concertina, A History and an Accolade)
- Honors: World Concertina Congress Hall of Fame (2008)
Roback, Donald
- New Brighton, Minnesota
- Musician
- Honors: World Concertina Congress Hall of Fame (2007)
Robson, A.R.D. (Pat) ( – 2005)
- London, England
- Manufacturer, Musician, Promoter (Historian)
- Honors: World Concertina Congress Hall of Fame (1988)
- Detailed Biography
Rodgers (Rodziczak), Dick (1927 – 2004)
- Pulaski, Wisconsin
- Bandleader, Musician
- Bands: Dick Rodgers TV Recording Orchestra
- Honors: Wisconsin Orchestra Leader of the Year (1967), International Polka Association – Polka Music Hall of Fame (1976), World Concertina Congress Hall of Fame (1996)
- Detailed Biography
Rodgers, Thomas (1956 – )
- Pulaski, Wisconsin
- Bandleader, Musician
- Bands: A.K.A., Rodgers and Friends, Polkatown Sound, The Pitt Crew
Roll, Andrew H. (1915 – 1986)
- Saint Louis, Missouri
- Musician, Promoter
- Honors: World Concertina Congress Hall of Fame (1984)
- Detailed Biography
Rosciani, Pompilio (Pom Polio or Pompi)
- Chicago, Illinois
- Technician (Rosciani Imperial Accordion, Imperial Accordion, Italo-American Accordion, Star Concertina)
- Honors: World Concertina Congress Hall of Fame (2023)
- Detailed Biography
Rosinski, Matthew (1985 – )
- Pulaski, Wisconsin
- Bandleader, Musician
- Bands: Lenny Gomulka and The Chicago Push, Polka Country Musicians, Power Supply, John Gora, Stas Galonka, Stephanie’s Polka Band, Toledo Polkamotion, New Tradition, Discover, Swinging Brass, Billy Belina’s Baystate, Heavy Chicago, Sound-A-Bouts, Double Shot
- Honors: United States Polka Association – Horizon Award (1999)
Rux, Ron (1936 – 2007)
- Marshfield, Wisconsin
- Musician, Promoter
- Honors: World Concertina Congress Hall of Fame (2006)
Rys, Richard
- New Berlin, Wisconsin
- Innovator (Reedless Concertina), Musician, Technician
Rzepka, Charles (1918 – 2010)
- Hammond, Indiana
- Musician
- Bands: Charlie Rzepka Orchestra
- Honors: World Concertina Congress Hall of Fame (2005)