Harold Jasicki
Hall of Fame – 1990
Harold Jasicki (1926) of Greenfield, Wisconsin was named Happy Harold by his daughter Barbara who noted that when her father played the concertina, he was the happiest she had ever seen him.
As a child, Harold had been brought up into a musical family and at the age of 12, learned to play the harmonica. He became interested in the concertina after his father took him to Vic’s Pavilion.
At the age of 18, Jasicki bought a used concertina and a used Silberhorn Instructor book. He kept his instrument in repair, patching the leaks and replacing reeds. He entertained at family gatherings, birthday parties, and picnics.
In 1981, Harold retired from his electrical contracting job and took concertina lessons from Wally Roschocha. In 1984, Jasicki began to book jobs as “Happy Harold’s Polka Band”.