WCC Hall of Fame

World Concertina Congress - WCC

The organization’s Hall of Fame is not a place, but a collective idea; a means by which the instrument’s musicians honor their peers. The Hall of Fame recognizes international, national and regional chemnitzer concertina musicians, many who are models of the common man. The majority of the Hall of Fame members are local musicians who have kept the instrument alive at its grassroots level. Like few other halls of fame, the World Concertina Congress honors not only aficionados but down to earth players whose contributions are just as important to the instrument’s preservation.

Anyone is entitled to submit a Portable Document Format Hall of Fame Nomination Form for consideration. Instructions and requirements are described on the form.

A committee as appointed by the officers of the World Concertina Congress has judged that the individuals listed be entered into its Hall of Fame. Deceased members are designated with the suffix (d). This highest honor is hereby conferred in recognition of their many outstanding, unselfish endeavors to elevate, to promote, and to perpetuate the concertina as a musical instrument.


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